All Around the World

Yet another group has started the Professional Program at WSP.  Group R — so named through adherence to an ingenious (ingenious, I tell you!) alphabetical system — consists of 13 students; 5 men, 8 women.  Like most of our groups, they reflect a diverse sampling of humanity.  I’m told their average age is 33 – mum’s the word on anyone’s actual age, but if previous groups are any example, you can bet there are a couple of folks in this group who’ve spent a good long time here on earth, and thus (with any luck) have some wisdom and experience to share.

Even better, while of course there are people in this group who hail from right here in DC, we also have people from states like Texas, Louisiana, New York, and Utah, not to mention students from such far-flung locales as Paraguay, Norway, Antigua, and the Netherlands.

By now, they’re a few weeks into the Fundamentals and the Composition classes, and have had a little time to get to know one another.  I hope they’ve been sharing their photographic experiences, as well as their experiences of the world at large.

There’s more to photography than just…photography.  (You can quote me on that.)  The students who invest themselves might learn as much from their classmates as from their instructors.

Here’s to you, Group R – off to a great start!